CEO's Message

Make Japan Great Again

My name is Daniel Kei Takahashi. I am half Japanese and half American, born in Tokyo and raised in the United States. I studied at Cornell University and experienced the Great Financial Crisis during 2007 while working at Morgan Stanley in New York City. Later, I started my own hedge fund and specialized in arbitrage trading of Asian markets. In 2019, I experienced a major setback in my personal life, and decided to reevaluate my goals while traveling to over 60 countries around the world. During my travels, I returned to Japan in 2020 and happened to do a market commentary on YouTube, which received a great response. This inspired me to start living in Japan and expand my own content. However, I felt that Youtube had many limitations so I decided to create my own platform. Since launching PostPrime in September 2021, we have had so much support from our users and were able to quickly expand our user base and release many new functions. I strongly believe that great people and diverse thinking are essential for building a strong company, so we built a fantastic multilingual and multicultural team. My goal is to help users globally to expand their investment knowledge. Even though most of my life has been in the US, since I was a child my mother has taught me the importance of my Japanese heritage. I want to contribute to the Japanese economy by creating a strong Japanese company, and help reinstill Japan’s image as a global economic power. Our company is still small, but we plan to grow rapidly and quickly develop new functions and new businesses both in Japan and abroad. Let's Make Japan Great Again.
CEO and Founder,
Daniel Kei Takahashi