Management Team
CEO & Founder
CEO & Founder
Dan Takahashi
Graduated from Cornell University in 3 years, co-founded a hedge fund on Wall Street at age 26. After traveling to 62 countries, he returned to Japan in 2020 to launch a YouTube channel to focus on global finance and economics. Founded and released Postprime in 2021.
Trung Vu
Came to Japan in 2016 and joined Uzabase, Inc. as a global team member, in charge of expanding service in Asia. Then joined Wantedly, Inc. in 2018 to expand services for Asia and Europe. In 2019 joined GMO Financial Holdings to work on financial trading services. Started working with Takahashi in 2021 to build PostPrime from scratch.
External Director
External Director
Daisuke Sakamoto
Appointed External Director of PostPrime in May 2023. Appointed President and Representative Director of Newspicks, Inc. in April 2019. Independent since 2023, he is also currently Representative Director of X Local, Inc. and Director of Local University, Inc. and External Director of Interactive, Inc.
Yoko Yasuhara
Appointed as an external auditor of PostPrime in October 2021 then a full-time auditor in April 2022. She has extensive management experience in global companies in the areas of accounting, taxation and risk management. Graduated from Macquarie University and qualified as Australian Certified Public Accountant.
External Auditor
External Auditor
Shunsuke Nishimoto
Appointed as an external auditor of PostPrime in August 2022. He has been working to strengthen management and auditing systems mainly from a legal perspective by utilizing his expertise as an attorney. As an external director and attorney, he has been involved in numerous corporate legal matters and IPO preparation projects.
External Auditor
External Auditor
Kenryu Furukawa
Appointed as an external auditor of PostPrime in August 2023. With his expertise in information systems and internal controls in general, he has served as head of internal audit for a listed company, head of risk management for a securities firm, and CFO of a financial start-up company. Currently, he also serves as the head of administration and head of information security for an HR company.
Yukihiko Hatori
External Director
Nguyen Vu Thanh Tung